Valerie Wilson Travel


VWT is committed to charity, community, and sustainability both here at home and around the world.



The VWT Giving Tree

Valerie Wilson Travel is committed to making a difference through its thoughtful charitable giving plan. Even before building VWT, Valerie believed very simply it was necessary to help those in need. Our dedication to service extends far beyond our monetary contributions, as VWT Associates, Management Team members, and employees proudly donate countless hours to a wide variety of nonprofits.

We are proud of the more than $1 million of combined cash and in-kind gifts that VWT has donated to numerous organizations. Basic acts of stepping up and doing the right thing at the right time is ingrained in our culture. We help fund important cancer research and support awareness of heart disease. We help make dreams come to life for terminally ill patients. We help build homes for the less fortunate and protect the habitats of creatures great and small. It is all part of our Giving Tree, rooted in generosity.


Education is power. We align with nonprofits who make it their mission to spread awareness and offer a long-term solution to systemic projects. The charities VWT proudly supports range from conservation to disease prevention and span the globe from NYC to Africa. As part of VWT’s holistic approach to giving, we identify needs, ask for input where resources are needed most, and try to scale accordingly. The key is these are not one and done donations, but instead we are building long-standing relationships and donating consistently over the years.


When you travel, you gain the opportunity to see a place and its people through your own eyes. Whether it is seeing the world’s only remaining white rhino on the African plains or driving through the favelas on your way to Copacabana Beach, travel encourages you to become an ambassador for change around the world as well as close to home. Our experiences help shape our awareness. For instance, as a heart attack and bypass survivor, The American Heart Association is particularly near and dear to Valerie’s heart.


Whether it is committing seed money to build a new maternity ward in an African village or partnering with City Harvest to rescue excess food from the trash and put it in the hands of those who need it most. Working to improve education, health care, or conservation, we, at VWT, have the privilege to understand that every travel choice makes a difference on the communities and cultures that we have the opportunity to explore.

VWT is dedicated to making a difference. We carefully select and proudly work with these VWT Giving Tree Charities to positively impact the communities around the globe where we and our clients travel.

Jennifer Wilson-Buttigieg
For more information on the more than 20 nonprofits we currently work with and why they capture our heart, please reach out to